Introducing Easynow - an ESPHome component to make sensor proxying via ESPNow easy in ESPHome.
I think my ESPNow proxy components are now working well enough to release.
It can be used in ESPHome simply by adding YAML, since ESPHome can pull external components direct from a Git repo - well done ESPHome :)
Initial tests are good - using the same device that I was getting roughly 8 hours out of (from a discarded [popular device] - 700maH),
On previous measurements, I was timing the main part of the discharge curve, from 4v down to 3v, and was getting approx. 8-9h of runtime. This was taking a reading every 60s and passing to HomeAssistant via the regular API (ie, using the built in ESPHome stuff)
BEFORE Easynow
So it was taking between ~18:00 to ~02:45 to discharge from 4v to 3v. Thats about 8/9 hours.
WITH Easynow
Well, this is awkward. Its worked so well that after 8 hours, it havent even yet got down to the 4v ive been testing at:
So far, id call that a win :)
And, I suspect at this point, the quick n' dirty voltage measurement I am using (a simple potential divider across +bat and gnd) is actually sucking up most of the power while sleeping.Next step is to build another ESP32 into a proper ADC with a full range up to 4.2v using an external ADC, and to measure the current using my multimeter (which seems to have a 20uf range, never used it though).
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